Dave & Amy Chung Real Estate - Title Sponsor



The Highcrest PTO Objectives:

  1. To enrich our children’s educational environment at Highcrest Middle School and offer support to the School, its programs and activities and its personnel.

  2. To provide a communication link for the HMS community, including families with children in the School, the teachers at HMS, and the Wilmette District 39 staff.

  3. To cooperate with other parents and/or groups to enrich and support the children of Wilmette District 39.


2024-2025 Executive Board


President - Laurel Nelson president@highcrestpto.org

President Elect - Connie Moran president-elect@highcrestpto.org

Secretary - Melissa Dahm secretary@highcrestpto.org

Treasurer - Rekha Badlani treasurer@highcrestpto.org

Assistant Treasurer - Jenny Throm assist-treasurer@highcrestpto.org


VP Legislation - Jocelyn Shook legislation@highcrestpto.org

VP Ways & Means - Eliza Fisher waysandmeans@highcrestpto.org

VP Enrichment - Mary Martin enrichment@highcrestpto.org

VP Special Events - Noela Scarano specialevents@highcrestpto.org

VP Student Programs - Laura Butts studentprograms@highcrestpto.org

VP Communications - Janet Choy-Hubbard communications@highcrestpto.org

VP Hospitality - Katie Hilton hospitality@highcrestpto.org



General Board Committees


Ways and Means    
Birthday Books Sarah Babaian birthdaybooks@highcrestpto.org
Book Fair Committee Chair Zelal Pinarci bookfair@highcrestpto.org
Book Fair Committee Co-Chair   bookfair@highcrestpto.org
Hawk Hut Pop Up/School Store   schoolstore@highcrestpto.org
School Supplies/Edukit Chair Nicole Botsman schoolkits@highcrestpto.org
School Supplies/EduKit Co-Chair   schoolkits@highcrestpto.org
Spiritwear President president@highcrestpto.org
Enrichment 5th Grade Lynn Touras 5thGradeEnrichment@hightcrestpto.org
Enrichmen 6th Grade Rebecca Johnson / Robin McShane 6thGradeEnrichment@hightcrestpto.org
Environmental Awareness/Community Service    
Outdoor Classroom Chair Noela Scarano outdoorclassroom@highcrestpto.org
Outdoor Classroom Co-Chair    
Special Events    
5th Grade Connections Chair Jocelyn Shook 5thgradeconnections@highcrestpto.org
5th Grade Connections Co-Chair Taelor Fisher 5thgradeconnections@highcrestpto.org
Freaky Friday/Beach Bash Chair Jen Curchin freakyfriday@highcrestpto.org / beachbash@highcrestpto.org
Freaky Friday/Beach Bash Co-Chair Melissa Dahm freakyfriday@highcrestpto.org / beachbash@highcrestpto.org
Freaky Friday/Beach Bash Committee Meghann Kohli, Katie McCarthy, Mandy Hartman, Laura Butts  
Headlines Editor Melissa Stambor headlines@highcrestpto.org
Webmaster   webmaster@highcrestpto.org
Directory/membership Ruth Chieng directory@highcrestpto.org
Hospitality (Newcomers)   newcomers@highcrestpto.org
Hospitality (5th Grade Orientation Coffee) Katie McCarthy hospitality@highcrestpto.org
Hospitality (Transition Meeting/6th Grade Popsicle) Liz Fritz hospitality@highcrestpto.org
Teacher Appreciation Chair Kari Darmstadter teacherappreciation@highcrestpto.org
Teacher Appreciation Co-Chair   teacherappreciation@highcrestpto.org
Student Programs    
After School Clubs Liason Zelal Pinarci afterschoolclubs@highcrestpto.org
Variety Show (Chair)   varietyshow@highcrestpto.org
Variety Show (Co-chair)   varietyshow@highcrestpto.org
Yearbook Orders Laura Hess yearbook@highcrestpto.org